What it Took to Bring 2-1-1 to Placer County

In 2019, 82% percent of the nation and 90% of California — including Sacramento and Nevada Counties — was connected to 2-1-1. Finally now, in 2020, Placer County too has 2-1-1.

2-1-1 is a telephone number that connects people to vital community services as 9-1-1 does for life threatening emergencies. It is easy to remember, free to use, available 24 hours a day, has local information and is answered by a real person, confidentially and with multilingual/TTY capabilities.  2-1-1 can also be accessed online. 

Placer County was the most populous county in California that was not in the 2-1-1 system. Bev Anderson and the Auburn Presbyterian Church has taken the challenge to bring together Placer agencies and the community for the purpose of bringing the 2-1-1 system to Placer County.  We invite you to view the video featuring Bev Anderson https://vimeo.com/432648121?utm_source=211+Placer+July+2020&utm_campaign=Placer+July+2020&utm_medium=email 

In 2019, the Placer County Board of Supervisors voted to bring 2-1-1 to the county and it became operational in 2020.

Debbi Koss says it best: “[A]lthough this effort took nearly 10 years, the process of collaboration, and the act of faith of starting the effort DID result in success! PS. I've been following in Bev's footsteps for over 16 years. And blessings to PPOFT to hanging in there!”
